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Anglo American – Kumba Iron Ore

Re-imagining mining to improve people's lives. We do this through FutureSmart mining - our innovation-led approach to sustainable mining. It is our blueprint for the future of our


Kumba Iron Ore Limited Production and Sales report for the

Mining and production. Total waste stripping decreased by 5% to 53.8 Mt relative to Q3 2021 (the “comparative period”), driven by a 23% decrease to 12.4 Mt at Kolomela. Kolomela’s


Kumba Iron Ore Limited year end results 2023 Anglo

2024年2月20日  Kumba Iron Ore Limited year end results 2023. 20 February, 2024. Anglo American plc (“Anglo American”) notes Kumba Iron Ore Limited’s announcement of its


KUMBA IRON ORE - Anglo American

2022年4月5日  KUMBA IRON ORE Rope shovel at Sishen. 22 ... Cost savings are net of ~7% mining inflation per annum and structural changes including strip ratios, longer


Kumba Iron Ore interim results 2022 Anglo American

26 July, 2022. Anglo American plc notes the announcement of Kumba Iron Ore Limited’s interim results for the half year ended 30 June 2022, released this morning to the


Kumba plans Sishen UHDMS iron ore project kick off

2021年2月23日  Kumba Iron Ore, energised by a record annual EBITDA of R45.8 billion ($3.12 billion) for its 2020 financial year, has made plans to extend the life of its Sishen iron ore mine in South Africa out to 2039.


KUMBA IRON ORE LIMITED - Anglo American – Kumba

2021年5月3日  •Sishen life of mine 2035 •Reserves 110 –130Mt •Life extension >3 years •Sishen life of mine 2039³ 1. Excluding annual depletion 2018 –2019: 125Mt includes



March 25, 2021. Moving communities to make way for a new mine or the expansion of an existing one is by no means uncommon in Africa. Rarely, however, has it been carried out on the scale seen at Kumba Iron Ore’s


What we do Anglo American – Kumba Iron Ore

2024年4月11日  Mining. We extract iron ore by mining the iron ore bodies within our mining leases using open pit methods. We are implementing a technology roadmap that aims to


Kolomela Iron Ore Mine, Northern Cape, South

The Kolomela Mine is situated near Postmasburg Town in the Northern Cape Territory in South Africa. Mining operation at Kolomela started in late 2011. A stacker-reclaimer is used at Kolomela to blend different grades


KUMBA IRON ORE LIMITED - Anglo American – Kumba

2021年5月3日  •Sishen life of mine 2035 •Reserves 110 –130Mt •Life extension >3 years •Sishen life of mine 2039³ 1. Excluding annual depletion 2018 –2019: 125Mt includes 112Mt Sishen and13Mt Kolomela 2. Based on approved feasibility study. Reserves to be updated as part of 2021 life of mine cycle 3. At 10 –15Mtpa for the 3-4 year period


Operations Anglo American – Kumba Iron Ore

Sishen mine. Sishen mine, is near the town of Kathu in the Northern Cape Province. Sishen is our flagship operation and one of the largest open pit mines in the world – some 14km long. Sishen mine has sufficient reserves to sustain a 14-year life of mine. The bulk of our iron ore production comes from Sishen mine, with most of it being exported.



March 25, 2021. Moving communities to make way for a new mine or the expansion of an existing one is by no means uncommon in Africa. Rarely, however, has it been carried out on the scale seen at Kumba Iron Ore’s Sishen mine in the Northern Cape. R3 billion has been invested in relocating the residents of Dingleton to a new purpose-built town ...


Kumba Iron Ore Limited production and sales report for the

2020年12月31日  Kumba Iron Ore Limited, a member of the Anglo American plc group, is a leading value-adding supplier of high quality iron ore to the global steel industry. Kumba produces iron ore in South Africa at Sishen and Kolomela mines in the Northern Cape Province. Kumba exports iron ore to customers in a range of geographical locations


Kumba plans Sishen UHDMS iron ore project kick off

2021年2月23日  Kumba Iron Ore, energised by a record annual EBITDA of R45.8 billion ($3.12 billion) for its 2020 financial year, has made plans to extend the life of its Sishen iron ore mine in South Africa out to 2039. The R3.6 billion ultra-high dense media separation (UHDMS) project was approved by the Kumba board late last week.


Anglo American Kumba – Sishen and Kolomela mines

2024年3月27日  Kumba Iron Ore Limited, a member of the Anglo American plc group, is a leading value-adding supplier of high quality iron ore to the global steel industry. Kumba produces iron ore in South Africa at Sishen and Kolomela mines in the Northern Cape Province. Kumba exports iron ore to customers around the globe including in China,


Kumba's Sishen and Kolomela iron ore mines achieve IRMA

2024年3月27日  Kumba Iron Ore, majority owned by Anglo American, has announced that its Sishen and Kolomela mines in South Africa have been assessed against the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance’s (IRMA) comprehensive mining standard, achieving the IRMA 75 level of performance. This reflects Anglo American’s integrated approach to


Press releases – 2023 - Anglo American – Kumba Iron Ore

2022年12月31日  Kumba Iron Ore Limited, a member of the Anglo American plc group, is a leading value-adding supplier of high quality iron ore to the global steel industry. Kumba produces iron ore in South Africa at Sishen and Kolomela mines in the Northern Cape Province. Kumba exports iron ore to customers around the globe including in China,


Kumba production and sales report for the fourth quarter,

2023年12月31日  Kumba production by mine : 7,234 : 9,736 : 9,320 : 9,425 : 9,961 (27) (26) 35,715 : 37,700 (5) Sishen : 5,958: 6,680 : 6,442 : 6,341 : 7,010 ... Kumba Iron Ore Limited, a member of the Anglo American plc group, is a leading value-adding supplier of high quality iron ore to the global steel industry. ... We work together with our business ...


KUMBA IRON ORE LIMITED - Anglo American – Kumba

2019年5月6日  ORE RESERVES AND MINERAL RESOURCES THE STATEMENT. Kumba Iron Ore Limited is a Johannesburg Stock Exchange listed minerals company that focuses its business (iron ore mining and exploration) in the Northern Cape province of the Republic of South Africa.


Kumba Iron Ore Limited production and sales report for the

Kumba Iron Ore Limited production and sales report for the quarter ended 30 September 2023 ... Kumba production by mine : 9,736 : 9,320 : 9,425 : 9,961 : 9,977 (2) 4 : 28,481 : 27,737 : 3 : Sishen : 6,680 : 6,442 ... we are promoting psychological safety and encouraging the reporting of unsafe work practices. Kumba’s TRIFR improved to 1.10 ...


Kumba Iron Ore pays out cash and invests in Sishen mine after

2021年2月23日  Kumba, which runs the Sishen and Kolomela mines in South Africa, declared a final dividend of 41.30 rand per share, or 85% of headline earnings, bringing the full-year dividend to 60.90 rand, or ...


Leadership team Anglo American – Kumba Iron Ore

In addition to his role at Kumba Iron Ore Limited, he is also an independent non-executive director at Gold Fields Limited and Andrada Mining Limited. He spent the majority of his career at Gengold (merged with Gold Fields South Africa to become Gold Fields Limited in 1998) and he progressed from being a miner through to becoming the Chief ...


Kumba Iron Ore to extend life of giant mine to 2040

2021年2月23日  Kumba Iron Ore to extend life of giant mine to 2040. Kumba Iron Ore plans to spend R3.6 billion extending the life of its Sishen operation in the Northern Cape. The operation will now run until 2040. Kumba joins precious metals producers Sibanye Stillwater and Anglo American Platinum among South African miners that have outlined plans to


Kumba Iron Ore to cut 490 jobs as rail crisis hits output,

Feb 20 (Reuters) - Kumba Iron Ore (KIOJ.J) shares fell more than 5% on Tuesday after it announced plans to cut about 490 jobs, following a reduction in production as it struggles to overcome South ...


Job opportunities Anglo American – Kumba Iron Ore

Read all our news and learn more about our business.


Kumba institutes closing procedures for Thabazimbi mine

16 July, 2015. Kumba Iron Ore Limited (“Kumba”), a business unit of the Anglo American group, has today commenced a consultation process in terms of section 189 of the Labour Relations Act, through its subsidiary Sishen Iron Ore Company (Pty) Ltd, as part of closure procedures at its Thabazimbi mine in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Kumba ...


Kumba Iron Ore Limited year end results 2023 – Anglo

2024年2月20日  Kumba Iron Ore Limited reported adjusted EBITDA of R45.7 billion (audited), equivalent to approximately $2.5 billion. ... Anglo American is a leading global mining company and our products are the essential ingredients in almost every aspect of modern life. ... We work together with our business partners and diverse stakeholders to


Kumba Iron Ore’s Sishen and Kolomela mines partnered with

2020年4月23日  Kumba Iron Ore Limited, a member of the Anglo American plc group, is a leading value-adding supplier of high quality iron ore to the global steel industry. Kumba produces iron ore in South Africa at Sishen and Kolomela mines in the Northern Cape Province. Kumba exports iron ore to customers in a range of geographical locations

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